My Brest Friend Original Nursing Pillow

My Brest Friend SKU: ZNF-NP-00686

$80.10 SGD $89.00 SGD Save $8.90 SGD

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Blue Bells
Blue Daisies
Sparkles (00751)
Evening Bloom
Grey Dotted Daisies
Sunshine Poppy
Buttercup Bliss
Midnight Poppy
Pink Flowing Fans
Petal Paisley
Black & White Dreamy
Starry Star
B&W Flowing Fans
Green Sunburst
Sage Dotted Daisies
Green Paisley
Diamond Sky

The My Brest FriendOriginal Nursing Pillow was developed in a laboratory of new moms, babies, and breastfeeding experts who set out to create a nursing pillow whose sole purpose was to answer all the needs of nursing moms and babies. 50 prototypes and a global patent later, the nursing pillow is loaded with features moms love.