Joie Dreamer Rocker and Bouncer (1 Year Warranty)

Joie SKU: J-1207BAFRN

$134.00 SGD $149.00 SGD Save $15.00 SGD

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Frankie & Friends
Flower Forever
Cosy Space
Petite City
In The Rain
Starry Night

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Joie Dreamer Rocker and Bouncer

meet dreamerโ„ข
A cozy cradler comforts baby from newborn on. Compact frame and handy extras make for a soothing solution at home or on the go.

ready to rock
3 position reclining seat rocks or bounces with a simple push or when baby moves

ready to roll
Lightweight design and fully flat compact fold make pack-up for travel a breeze

ready to rest
5 classical lullabies and 5 nature sounds pair with vibration and toys to soothe little ones