Bonbijou Clip On Fan

Bonbijou SKU: BB70464

$23.31 SGD $25.90 SGD Save $2.59 SGD

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Bonbijou's Clip On Fan has a 2-in-1 design that can be used standing on a desk or clamped on a stroller. It comes with four speed settings with low noise. The 360° horizontal and vertical rotation allows you to enjoy the cool wind at every angle. The narrow fan cover grills makes it safe for your little one's finger.

Product Features:
• Versatile clamp design
• 360° horizontal and vertical rotation
• Low noise
• 3 speed settings, max wind speed up to 7m/s (4th speed available only when operating via USB)
• USB or battery operated (3 x AA batteries)

*Please Read: Batteries are not provided. Attempting to charge the fan will not work as there are no batteries included. The fan will also not charge your batteries. Charging is not supported.